Welcome to Apple Acres Farm!
We are a very small farm in East Tennessee. In fact, all we have are chickens... big, FAT chickens! Our birds are much more than livestock. They are our pets and our evening entertainment.
We want our birds to be happy and healthy. There is no shortage of predators here in East TN, so our little flock has supervised free range time, usually one or two hours every evening. We strive to include organic, non-GMO foods in our own diets, and do the same for our flock. We are thrilled to have a source for Countryside Organics feed accessible to us and use it almost exclusively.
We have three breeds currently, Blue / Black / Splash Orpingtons which are bred to the English standard, Silver Laced Wyandottes, and Wheaten / Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas. We are selling hatching Orpington and Wyandotte hatching eggs and hope to add Ameraucanas once we have established our own flock.